Medical Malpractice Attorneys Comment on Avoiding Medical Errors

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Medical Malpractice Attorneys Comment on Avoiding Medical Errors

new jersey, philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys, med mal, lawyersMedical malpractice attorneys know that medical errors can occur in hospitals, clinics, your doctor’s office, nursing home or in any other setting where medical care is provided. Medical errors can be made in the diagnosis process, during surgery, while administering medication or interpreting lab reports. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, one in seven Medicare patients in a hospital experiences a medical error. Many of the mistakes made are a result of poor communication and are preventable. The best way to avoid an error is to be proactive and remain involved throughout the treatment process.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys Give Advice on What to Ask Before Surgery

Having surgery can be frightening. Fear of a mistake can make the process even more stressful. The following steps can help to reduce the chance of a medical error involving a surgical procedure.

  • Talk to your doctor about the surgery so you are clear on what will be done.
  • Verify the details of the surgery with the surgeon who will actually be doing the surgery.
  • Review all the details of the procedure with the surgeon and his team immediately before the surgery.
  • Ask your surgeon to mark or initial the site to be operated on before the surgery, if possible.
  • If can choose, look for a hospital that has a great deal of experience in performing the procedure you are having.
  • Investigate and ask about patient results.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys Share Tips for Helping to Decrease Medical Errors

  • Ask questions! If you are unsure about something or have concerns, ask.
  • Ensure all of the doctors involved in treating you know any important health information about you.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask why a test or treatment is being recommended and what the benefits and risks are.
  • Take someone to your appointments with you, especially if you have difficulty remembering things or will need assistance.
  • Follow up if you do not get your test results.
  • Research your conditions and possible treatment options and ask questions of healthcare professionals who are treating you.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving medical errors. Our extremely skilled team of medical malpractice lawyers and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring that you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered personal injuries as a result of a medical error or any other type of negligent care received by a medical provider, contact the medical malpractice lawyers of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


Call the Philadelphia personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates today to discuss your case with a professional who has the knowledge to answer your questions or submit a free online inquiry.

Call, toll-free, 1-877-MessaLaw (637-7252), or submit a free online inquiry form.

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