Spring Forward with Safety: Take the Proper Precautions this Spring with the National Safety Council

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  • Spring Forward with Safety: Take the Proper Precautions this Spring with the National Safety Council

personal injury attorneysAfter a cold and snowy winter, Spring is FINALLY upon us. Blistery winds and icy roads are soon to be replaced with warm sunshine and the smell of fresh cut grass. Color and life will return to our gardens and parks, and the cheerful sounds of children playing will return to our streets. During this exciting transition from Winter to Summer, the National Safety Council (NSC) offers a few reminders to help us “Spring Forward with Safety.”

Those who practice Spring Cleaning would be smart to follow these easy tips from the NSC;

  • When moving furniture, keep your back straight and lift with the legs.
  • Keep cleaning products and solutions out of reach of children. When using cleaning products, follow instructions on the label.
  • Use caution while walking on wet surfaces.
  • Wear a mask while cleaning dusty areas of your home.

Because spring breezes are so pleasant, it’s very common for windows and doors to remain open during the day. The NSC offers tips on Window Safety to ensure that you and your family remain unharmed around open windows. According to a 2015 report by SafeKids.org, eight children under the age of five die from falling out of a window each year. In order to prevent this kind of tragedy in your home, follow the NSC’s simple window safety tips.

  • here is no substitute for adult supervision when it comes to a child’s safety around open windows.
  • When opening windows for ventilation, make sure children can’t reach them.
  • Do not rely on insect screens to prevent a fall—they are not designed to withstand the weight of a person.
  • Keep furniture away from windows to prevent children from climbing up to windows and potentially falling.
  • The National Safety Council has much information to offer when it comes to keeping your family safe throughout the year. Visit their website at www.NSC.org for more information. HAPPY SPRING!

    New Jersey and Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorneys

    The Philadelphia personal injury attorneys at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling personal injury cases involving defective products that have caused injuries to children. Our extremely skilled team of personal injury attorneys and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If your child has suffered an injury as a result of dangerous or defective window, window treatments, cleaning products, another defective product, or any other type of personal injury, contact the personal injury attorneys of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


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