Personal Injury Attorneys Notify Avandia and Actos Patients of Macular Edema Risk

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Personal Injury Attorneys Notify Avandia and Actos Patients of Macular Edema Risk

philadelphia personal injury attorneys, new jersey personal injury attorneysPhiladelphia personal injury attorneys have recently come across a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, reporting that the diabetes drugs Actos and Avandia were found to increase the risk of macular edema in type 2 diabetes patients. Macular edema is a condition that causes the small area of the retina (macula) to swell. That area of the eye is responsible for central vision, which has an effect on a person’s overall vision.

Common signs and symptoms of macular edema include:

  • Blurred vision in the middle or just to the side of the central visual field
  • Progressive loss of vision, commonly over a period of a few months
  • Inability to focus clearly

Personal Injury Attorneys: Additional Risks of Actos and Avandia Have Resulted in Lawsuits

The risk of macular edema is not the first risk associated with the popular diabetes drugs, Actos and Avandia. Last year, attorneys began filing lawsuits against Takeda Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., the manufacturer of Actos after the drug was linked to bladder cancer in patients who took the pills daily for years.

Avandia maker, GlaxoSmithKline has also settled thousands of cases related to its diabetes drug. Former Avandia patients sued the drugmaker alleging that the company failed to warn them that the drug could cause heart attacks and strokes. GlaxoSmithKline has since stopped promoting Avandia worldwide after regulators withdrewn the drug from the market in Europe and placed greater restrictions on sales in the United States.

Personal Injury Attorneys in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia personal injury attorneys at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving pharmaceutical and drug product injuries. Our extremely skilled team of personal injury attorneys and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you have been injured by Actos, Avandia or any other pharmaceutical drug or have endured any other type of personal injury, contact the personal injury attorneys of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


Call the Philadelphia personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates today to discuss your case with a professional who has the knowledge to answer your questions or submit a free online inquiry.

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