Medical Malpractice Attorneys Ask – Miracle or Malpractice?

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Medical Malpractice Attorneys Ask – Miracle or Malpractice?

philadelphia medical malpractice, new jersey medical malpractice, personal injury, negligence, morgue, argentinaMedical malpractice attorneys report a shocking news story that hit the internet last week from Argentina. Two weeks ago, in Resistencia, Argentina, twenty minutes after Analia Bouter had given birth to a three months premature baby girl, she and her husband Fabian Veron were handed a death certificate and told that their daughter was stillborn. The couple began to mourn the loss of their fifth child.

About twelve hours later, Analia insisted that she see the infant one last time to say good-bye. Analia and Fabion were brought to the morgue where their daughter lay in a small coffin. Fabion pryed the coffin open and Analia peeked inside. What happened next can only be described as the stuff of miracles. Fabion and Analia’s daughter softly cried out. Then, she began to move. She was alive after 12 hours in a refrigerated morgue; after being declared dead by 5 separate medical professionals in the delivery room. Analia and Fabio collapsed in joy and worker in the morgue lifted the baby and confirmed that she was alive. She was rushed back to neonatal intensive care, where she has remained in critical but improving condition.

Are Medical Malpractice Attorneys Necessary in this Bizarre Twist of Fate?

Analia and Fabion named their daughter Luz Milagros which translates to Miracle Light. But was this a miracle? Did Luz Milagros come back from the dead? Or was the pronouncement of her death an extremely negligent call by five separate doctors?

Analia and her husband Fabio intend to enlist the help of medical malpractice attorneys in order to determine whether or not this was the result of medical malpractice. It’s also possible that Luz will suffer from some permanent effects of spending the first 12 hours of her life in a coffin inside a refrigerated room. At this point, its much too early to tell.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys at Messa & Associates are dedicated to earning justice for victims of catastrophic injury and loss. They are extremely experienced and skilled in effectively representing victims of medical malpractice and personal injury. If you or a loved one are the victims of a serious medical negligence, contact the Philadlephia medical malpractice attorneys of Messa & Assocaites by phone, toll-free, at 1-877-MessaLaw. You may also submit a free online inquiry.


Call the Philadelphia personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates today to discuss your case with a professional who has the knowledge to answer your questions or submit a free online inquiry.

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