Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Some Medical Professionals Openly Admit to Medical Errors

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Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Some Medical Professionals Openly Admit to Medical Errors

philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers, attorneys, med mal, new jerseyMore hospitals and doctors are beginning to admit their mistakes to patients, apologize for the medical error and work with patients to settle any potential claims. Ten years ago, The University of Michigan created a system to do that and now other hospitals are moving in the same direction. Last week, seven Massachusetts hospitals announced that they would try a similar approach. They plan to have doctors offer full disclosure of mistakes to patients and work toward a resolution from there. Medical malpractice lawyers believe that is essential to providing sufficient and honest medical treatment.

Hospitals and doctors hope that opening the lines of communication will eliminate some of the walls between patients and medical professionals. Patients who feel that they have been the victim of a medical error will have the opportunity to talk to their doctor and get answers to their questions. Likewise, doctors will be able to explain their care to patients and discuss what, if anything, went wrong. On both sides, any concerns can be heard and both parties should have the opportunity to resolve any issues.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers: New Process is Both Risky and Beneficial to Medical Malpractice Victims

Although opening doctor-patient communication lines can be a good thing, some attorneys are skeptical about the benefits of the method. Medical malpractice lawyers have voiced concern that injured patients could stand to get less than what they deserve. Hospitals and doctors with more knowledge of increased medical expenses or other burdens a victim may face could offer less than reasonable compensation to a patient. Therefore, patients who do not have someone to serve as their advocate could end up accepting an offer that is less than what they deserve.

On the other hand, medical malpractice cases can be a long process with victims having to spend years fighting in court before they are compensated at all. A streamlined process allowing victims and medical professionals to come to a mutual agreement would help all parties come to a timely resolution.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases resulting from medical errors. Our extremely skilled team of medical malpractice lawyers and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered personal injuries as a result of a medical error or any other type of negligent care received by a medical provider, contact the medical malpractice lawyers of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


Call the Philadelphia personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates today to discuss your case with a professional who has the knowledge to answer your questions or submit a free online inquiry.

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