Meningitis Outbreak Responsible for 31 Deaths Leads to Firing of Pharmacy Board’s Director

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  • Meningitis Outbreak Responsible for 31 Deaths Leads to Firing of Pharmacy Board’s Director

Investigators have discovered that The Colorado pharmacy board complained to the FDA about the New England Compounding Center (NECC) violating its state license in July. The company violated its license by shipping drugs in bulk and has since been linked to the deadly multi-state meningitis outbreak. The complaint was made before the third of three batches of tainted steroids linked to the outbreak was shipped.

Officials say that Massachusetts pharmacy board director James D. Coffey ignored the complaint telling Colorado officials at the Board of Registration in Pharmacy that he would “respond as soon as possible following a thorough analysis of (the report).” Coffey did send the complaint to the board’s attorney, but she also failed to act on it. Neither of them brought the complaint to the attention of supervisors at the state Department of Public Health. Coffey was fired Tuesday; and Susan Manning, the board’s attorney, has been placed on administrative leave.

Company Said to Be Responsible for Meningitis Outbreak Only Licensed to Fill Prescriptions

The New England Compounding Center is located in Framingham, Massachusetts (outside Boston). The company was authorized only to fill specific prescriptions for individual patients. Instead, the pharmacy manufactured and shipped drugs in bulk. NECC avoided adhering to federal regulations by falsely stating the nature of their business.

More than 400 people in 19 states have been sickened by tainted steroids produced at the company and 31 people have died as a result of fungal meningitis infections. The steroids are used mainly to treat back pain but are also used for joint injections in the knee, hip, shoulder or elbow. NECC’s plant has been closed since last month, and Massachusetts officials have taken steps to permanently revoke its license.

Personal Injury Attorneys in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia personal injury attorneys at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving injuries as a result of defective drug and pharmaceutical products. Our extremely skilled team of personal injury attorneys and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you have been injured by a tainted steroid shot, a defective drug or medical device, a negligent medical provider, or have endured any other type of personal injury, contact the personal injury attorneys of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


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