Personal Injury Lawyers Report NASFM Amendment Regarding Smoke Alarms

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  • Personal Injury Lawyers Report NASFM Amendment Regarding Smoke Alarms

The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) has announced its support of the use of 10-year sealed batteries to power smoke alarms. The organization has updated its Guidance Document on residential smoke alarms and is asking its members to share information about the change with their communities.

Information gathered by the Science Advisory Committee and presented at NASFM’s annual conference this past July convinced the organization to recommend the use of 10-year batteries in battery-operated smoke alarms as long as the battery is contained in a tamper resistant, sealed unit. This new guideline would help to prevent consumers from disabling the alarm or replacing the battery with a regular 9-volt battery or AA batteries. Instead, the unit and its battery would both be replaced simultaneously.

In addition to NASFM, several other organizations also support 10-year smoke alarms, including the Centers for Disease Control, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The Benefit of Long-Life Batteries in Smoke Alarms

According to NFPA reports, nearly two-thirds of home fire deaths between the years 2005-2009 occurred in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoking alarms. Of the inoperable alarms, half had missing or disconnected batteries and another quarter had dead batteries.

Experts believe that a 10-year lithium battery built into smoke alarms used in homes would help to decrease this issue. Ten-year batteries would also make the units more maintenance-free and eliminate the low battery chirps that sometimes cause individuals to disconnect smoke alarms.

The Importance Smoke Alarms Models Used in Homes

There are two different types of smoke alarms available. Ionization smoke detectors and photoelectric smoke detectors are both sold as smoke alarms, but ionization smoke detectors often fail to detect smoldering fires which account for 80 percent of all household fires.

Photoelectric smoke detectors are designed to detect slow-burning fires as well as the flash fires ionization smoke detectors specialize in handling. According to tests performed by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, photoelectric smoke detectors provide two to three times more chance of escaping your home in a fire than ionization smoke detectors. When choosing smoke detectors for your home, be sure to protect your family by choosing photoelectric and/or dual sensor smoke alarms.

Personal Injury Lawyers in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia personal injury lawyers at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving fires, burns and explosions. Our extremely skilled team of personal injury lawyers and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you have been injured in a fire, burn or explosion, or have endured any other type of personal injury, contact the personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


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