Study Says Acetaminophen May be Linked to ADHD

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  • Study Says Acetaminophen May be Linked to ADHD

Philadelphia personal injury lawyers say a study published in JAMA Pediatrics concluded that children whose mothers took acetaminophen while pregnant were more likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study’s author noted that researchers looked for a link between acetaminophen and ADHD because they believe the medication could be a hormone disruptor capable of affecting fetal brain development. Although the study does not prove a link between the two, researchers involved do believe there is a need for additional study in the area. Acetaminophen is found in Tylenol, commonly used by pregnant women.

The study followed more than 64,000 Danish children born from 1996 to 2002. Researchers called the mothers of those children twice during pregnancy and once six months after birth to inquire about painkiller use. The children involved were tracked using questionnaires parents completed about the child’s development at 7 years old, trough diagnoses of “hyperkinetic disorder” and through prescriptions for ADHD medications such as Ritalin. Their research found that children whose mothers took acetaminophen were 13 percent more likely to show ADHD-like behaviors, such as hyperactivity and conduct problems. Those same children were 37 percent more likely to be diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder (“high end” ADHD) and 29 percent more likely to be prescribed ADHD medications.

Personal Injury Lawyers Agree that Pregnant Mothers Should Be Cautious with the Use of Acetaminophen, Any Medication

Experts say the study is a reminder to pregnant women to use caution when taking any medication, including Tylenol, during pregnancy. They warn mothers to remember to refrain from using ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) as substitutes for acetaminophen during pregnancy noting that NSAIDS can disrupt fetal development and cause other problems. Women should always seek the advice of their obstetrician, especially when they have persistent or frequent pain requiring the use of medication.

Acetaminophen causes three times as many cases of liver failure as all other drugs combined, and is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States.

New Jersey and Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers

The Philadelphia personal injury lawyers at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving pharmaceutical and drug product injuries. Our extremely skilled team of personal injury lawyers and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you have suffered an injury related to the use of Tylenol, acetaminophen or a defective pharmaceutical drug product, or any other type of personal injury, contact the personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


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