Personal Injury Lawyers Issue Warning About Burn Risks at the Playground

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  • Personal Injury Lawyers Issue Warning About Burn Risks at the Playground

In the summer heat, playgrounds are a popular hangout for children. However, the playground can also pose a danger during this time of year because the heat on playground equipment and other objects like blacktops and seat belt buckles can get hot enough to cause significant burn injuries to children. In one case, a parent whose 15-month-old daughter was burned while playing on a sliding board suffered second-degree burns on her hands and knees.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that young children often do not pull away from hot surfaces as quickly as older children. That puts them at a higher risk to suffer burn injuries. The CPSC also pointed out that newer plastic and rubber playground equipment can also get hot enough to cause severe, second or third-degree burns. Parents are urged to use caution on extremely hot days and watch their children closely while at outdoor playgrounds.

Personal Injury Lawyers Suggest Safety Tips to Parents to Avoid Burn Injuries to Children

There are a few things parents can look out for to keep their children safe while enjoying time on the playground. Here are some objects often found on playgrounds that can cause a burn injury to your child.

  • Uncoated metal equipment or metal equipment where the heat reducing coating has rubbed off.
  • Slides, swings, or other equipment that a child may sit on.
  • Dark colored plastics and rubbers, especially the surfacing under and around the playground equipment.
  • Asphalt and concrete surfaces near playgrounds.

Personal Injury Lawyers in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia personal injury lawyers at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving playground injuries, burns injuries, and other injuries to children. Our extremely skilled team of personal injury lawyers and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If your child has suffered a burn injury, an injury at a playground, or has endured any other type of personal injury, contact the personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


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