Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Colorado Case Illustrates Classic Case of Misdiagnosis

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Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Colorado Case Illustrates Classic Case of Misdiagnosis

A 39-year-old Colorado mother of two is paralyzed due to a misdiagnosis by her doctor. In 2006, she went to the emergency room because of a severe headache, dizziness and extremely high blood pressure. The emergency room doctor determined that she had a migraine, prescribed pain medication and sent her home. When she woke up the next morning, her headache was gone, but she had lost the ability to walk & talk. She was rushed back to the hospital and diagnosed with a life threatening brain bleed which resulted in a massive stroke. The stroke left her without the ability to use her right arm or bend her right knee. In 2011, a jury found the emergency room doctor negligent and awarded the woman a verdict in the amount of $3.9 million.

Misdiagnosis is Common, Yet Complex, Medical Malpractice Scenario

A medical misdiagnosis has potentially devastating results for patients and their families. Mistakes made by health care providers can cause a patient’s condition to get worse and sometimes even cost them their lives. Filing a medical malpractice suit is complicated and requires the guidance of experienced medical malpractice attorneys who are proficient in what must be proven in a medical malpractice lawsuit involving misdiagnosis.

Doctors are not held legally responsible for all diagnostic mistakes. Medical malpractice suits based on misdiagnosis must prove several things including whether or not the patient had a relationship with the doctor. It must also prove that the doctor neglected to provide skillful and competent treatment and that due to the doctor’s mistreatment, the patient was harmed. The evidence must include that another doctor, in a comparable area of expertise, under the same conditions, would have correctly diagnosed the patient’s illness or condition. Medical malpractice lawsuits based on misdiagnosis are extremely complex and require a team of lawyers with the knowledge and resources to handle the intricacies of this particular type of medical malpractice scenario.  

Messa & Associates – Medical Malpractice Lawyers Equipped to Successfully Handle Misdiagnosis Cases

Call the Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers at Messa & Associates if you or a loved one has been the victim of misdiagnosis. Our skilled team of medical malpractice professionals, including lawyers, doctors and nurses, is experienced and dedicated to securing proper compensation for your personal injuries. Our medical malpractice lawyers have handled all types of medical negligence cases including medical errors resulting from misdiagnosis, negligent care, or substandard treatment. Call toll free today at 1-877-MessaLaw or contact us online.



Call the Philadelphia personal injury lawyers of Messa & Associates today to discuss your case with a professional who has the knowledge to answer your questions or submit a free online inquiry.

Call, toll-free, 1-877-MessaLaw (637-7252), or submit a free online inquiry form.

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