Medical Malpractice Attorneys Appalled by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Insensitive Comments Towards Hopeful Family

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  • Medical Malpractice Attorneys Appalled by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Insensitive Comments Towards Hopeful Family

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia has issued a formal apology for a doctor’s mistake in telling Chrissy and Joe Rivera that he would not perform a kidney transplant on their 3-yeard-old daughter because she is “mentally retarded.” Medical malpractice attorneys are appalled at the insensitivity of this doctor towards the difficult situation his patients were in.

The couple’s daughter, Mia, suffers from a condition called Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and will die without a kidney transplant. Last month, a doctor told the family he would not recommend the transplant team perform the surgery.

Hospital officials issued an apology, wherein they admitted that they made a mistake in their communication with the Riveras and promised to review their processes and written materials to ensure that they are being sensitive to the needs of all families, including the needs of families with disabled children.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys: Parents Still Not Sure if Their Daughter Will Receive a Transplant

After public outrage spread across the country and an online petition drew thousands of signatures, CHOP said that it will consider Mia for the kidney transplant surgery she needs and invited her parents to meet with the organ transplant team. Mia’s parents still have not been told yet whether their daughter will be given the kidney transplant. The family had planned to search for a donor among their family members, not from the national donor waiting list.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Philadelphia and New Jersey

The Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys at Messa & Associates are experienced at handling cases involving medical malpractice cases resulting from medical mistakes. Our extremely skilled team of medical malpractice attorneys and medical experts is dedicated to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your personal injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered personal injuries as a result of a medical mistake or any other type of negligent care received by a medical provider, contact the medical malpractice attorneys of Messa & Associates for a free consultation. Call toll free at 1-877-MessaLaw, or submit a free online inquiry.


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